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Video API for Developers

Harness the true power of programmable video. Unmatched in depth of security, flexibility, and scalability, our WebRTC-based Video API is backed by 13+ years of real-time video expertise. Everything you need to build a video experience people trust—that’s the power of Vonage APIs.

Try it free

Everything you need to build the video experience people want

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Comprehensive Dashboard

Configure your projects and analyze project and session level data
Computer code </>

Developer Tools

Dig into specific sessions and projects to view quality data, user info, errors, events, devices and more
Pictogram of a document with a gear.


A testing console for simulating all Video platform features without writing code here
Bar graph with up arrow


Drive informed decisions with detailed usage information that can be integrated with customer data and dashboards

Getting Started

Video chat embeds

Easily add video chat to your website

Vonage Video API (formerly OpenTok)

Build custom video experience using advanced features

Explore sample code

Get a jumpstart on development and build your understanding of our API

Toolbox with computer code </> on it


Client SDKs

Build a basic one-to-one video using Vonage client SDKs


Archive sessions and more with our server SDKs (simple client-side incl.)

Custom video rendering

Simple video rendering to customize display of video

Pictogram of 3 people







Beta Programs

Test our pre-release client SDKs, SIP call monitoring, and Insights GraphQL



Video API (formerly OpenTok) Playground

Explore our platform, reproduce deployment experience, or join a session


A post-call diagnostic tool for your Video API sessions

Pre-call Test

Test connectivity, expected call quality, client hardware, and client software

Try it free

Start developing now with free credit. No credit card required.
Screen grab of the API Developer Center showing code that can be copied for use.
Deskphone with Vonage logo

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